two women laughing

For predictable, low-cost coverage with access to dentists across Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia, BlueDHMO is a valuable plan. There are no deductibles or claim forms to complete.

To learn more about BlueDHMO, contact us.

Plan Flexibility & Options*

Sample Costs
Plan Feature BlueDHMO
Annual maximum No maximum
Orthodontia Child/Adult
Orthodontia lifetime maximum No maximum
Out-of-network reimbursement No benefit
Funding Employer-sponsored or Voluntary
In-network coinsurances BlueDHMO $0 Copay Summary
BlueDHMO $10 Copay Summary
Out-of-network coinsurances No benefit

*Employers with 200 employees or more can consult with our dental experts to customize a plan that fits their benefit need.